Ideally, this blog should have come on the 1st week of the year, as that happens to be the week of making and breaking the resolutions for the year ahead but thankfully I never made any such resolution to pen this down on the 1st week itself. So I am yet to be convicted for resolution breaking crime for the year. But that is what usually happens when it comes to making resolutions and adhering to it for the entire year and in turn keeps most of the people away from this ‘resolution of the year’ gimmick. No doubt the most popular resolution of the year across the globe happens to be ‘ to not make any resolutions this year. Albeit, the safest and easiest resolution one can think ofJ.
And the second most popular resolution being ‘ to lose x kgs of weight this year’. This though, also happens to be the most frequently violated resolution of all times. My wife, however, terms this resolution business as stupidity and people like me who indulge into this as kid dish and immature. But these views (like many of her other views), hardly have any bearing on my actions. That said I have been into this resolution making, keeping and breaking business for a long time now. The much enlightened and learned people like my wife find it a futile pursuit but I have always enjoyed making my own resolutions (writing a blog every week, going for a minimum 2 vacations in the year, restraining from junk food, staying fit through regular workout etc.) at the beginning of every year and tried my best to pursue it throughout the year. At times without much success but mostly successfully. I feel these self-made challenges makes our routine life some-what exciting, tad more interesting and gives us opportunities to learn or improve upon any good habits.
Like every year I have a list ready for this year too with a sense of hope and excitement to fulfil most of these items in next eleven odd months –
- Resolution 1: To write at least 2 blogs every month – the least I can do for my love of writing and so far I am bang on target for this oneJ
- Resolution 2: To explore the world of sea food – have restrained from doing so for last 15 years but have already taken a plunge into this one last week by tasting a sumptuous konkan fried fish and trust me it promises to be an interesting year ahead on this frontJ
- Resolution 3: To not indulge into any unnecessary arguments or wittily mocking anyone – An important clarification - this hasn’t been enforced on me by my wify and is supposedly expected to be applied outside the boundaries of our house tooJ
- Resolution 4: To read at least 12 good books this year – That makes it a minimum of 1 for every month and I am already lagging behind on this 1, with January already behind meL
- Resolution 5: To gift something really good to my wife – The toughest, most improbable but highest on the priority list. I am due big time on this one and I feel it’s prudent now to pay this one off in the interest of my long term happinessJ
So these set of resolutions will not only have a huge bearing on my mind throughout the year but will also impact people around me, hopefully for good. And the public declaration makes it even more challenging, interesting and all the more compelling for me to achieve most of what I have thought of. But the driving force behind this entire exercise is the gratification that one gets on achieving even a semblance of what has been targeted, it’s truly a priceless feeling! So I really hope that I achieve most of what I have targeted for, because there would surely be periodic checkpoints throughout the year on some of these, at homeJ