Monday, December 22, 2014

..those were just children!!!

How do you feel when you see a kid falling down and getting his elbow and knees bruised while playing with his friends? You skip a heartbeat, you feel concerned, you feel sorry, you instantly empathize and feel like taking that suffering from him immediately. Kids are undoubtedly god’s most beautiful creation and they make this world a much better place to live with their innocence and infectious energy. So to imagine somebody causing slightest of harm to such innocent souls is unbelievable. And further to this, if somebody intentionally targets and harms these beautiful creation of god, it’s an inhuman task of unpardonable degree.

So what happened in Peshawar when a gang of psychotic idiots barged into a school and brutally killed over 130 odd innocent souls brought the entire world in state of shock. Not even the barbarians of mediaeval era would have done something this heinous , this scary and this shameful. Supposedly, the Taliban cadre to which those barbarians belonged claimed that this act was executed with an intent to teach a lesson to the masses (specifically state army) to understand the pain they themselves were going through due to army’s activities against them. Really? So to teach a lesson you kill school children? Children who probably don’t even know what a terrorist is or what a gun is or for that matter what jihad is. To kill them as brutally as they have done is unpardonable, no act of remorse or punishment can justify the sin they have committed. Any kind of genocide is unacceptable and abhorred universally but a genocide of this proportion has left one and all gasping for life.

Spare a thought for the parents of the kids who lost their lives in this massacre. That morning they would have sent them to the school, the holiest of all places in the world, with a sense of safety and security in their hearts and a belief that they would come back home having learnt something new. But what transpired that morning was actually the worst thing that could have happened to them and their families that day. I doubt any amount of healing or reprieve would help them overcome this tragedy ever in their lives. It was a indeed a black day for the entire mankind irrespective of the boundaries of the nations and supposed veils of different religions. Anyone who has a heart and a sane conscience would have cried as much as those bereaved parents. Surprisingly, the mastermind behind this brutal act is himself a father of 3. I wonder what on earth gave him the audacity and strength to execute this gut wrenching act.

But then a large reason behind this unfortunate incident is Pakistan’s own inability to do something concrete to fight this terror menace. They just don’t know what to do and which path to traverse for the larger good of their nation. They continue talking about good terror and bad terror, good Taliban and bad Taliban but is there anything like good sin or bad sin? Its sheer stupidity and as Hillary Clinton once rightly said, ‘you can't keep snakes in your backyard and expect them only to bite your neighbours. Eventually those snakes are going to turn on whoever has them in the backyard’. Hence, unless they themselves  get their act together, which seems highly improbable, they can’t expect these tragic incidents to stop haunting them.

For god’s sake those were just children, too innocent, too delicate and too naïve to face such brutality.  To see such a miserable event take place is a collective loss of the entire mankind. It’s not just the death of the of those 130 odd innocent souls but it’s a death of the humanity. I pity their philosophy of committing such brutal acts by the name of religion, I wonder if even Hell would give them a place when they leave their mortal avatar.

The heart bleeds and the soul cries... 

RIP those innocent souls. RIP Humanity.


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