Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The 2015 Resolution Bustle!

Its new years’ time, time to enjoy, celebrate, have new hopes and look forward to  some new and exciting things ahead. It’s also the time to make some resolutions or break some of them by now or make fun of those who make such resolutions J. And fortunately enough I am not perfect, so I have this habit of making some resolutions and getting mocked off by a lot of my friends for indulging in something as nonsensical as this, but then that has hardly ever been a deterrent. I took some last year and will be taking a few this year too, that keeps me going and excited for the entire year and when your friends know about them you rather try harder to meet your resolutions to a greater extent to avoid some kick-ass banter J. So before I jump on to this year’s list, it’s important to assess last year’s progress J

So the list last year was a rather interesting one and here’s my honest report card on the same –
·         2014 Resolution 1: To write at least 2 blogs every month – I penned down 23 for the year, which I believe would be acceptable by any standards J
·         2014 Resolution 2: To explore the world of sea food – O, I made a killing on this one throughout the year and passed out with flying colors J
·         2014 Resolution 3: To not indulge into any unnecessary arguments or wittily mocking anyone – It’s actually a bit tricky to evaluate or quantify this one and I won’t say I didn't do this at all but I had it at the back of my mind throughout the year and I tried my best to stay away from such indulgences.  So I can safely assume that this was as well not a total failure
·         2014 Resolution 4: To read at least 12 good books this year – And I failed miserably on this one, I could read just 6 books for the year. Mainly because of the relocation and related instability at London but having said that I did fail to achieve this one by a big margin
·         2014 Resolution 5: To gift something really good to my wife – Hmmm…another tough one to quantify and qualify. I did my best to accomplish this one, gifted her and shopped for her throughout the year so that should let me pass through this one as well. But then my wife is yet to approve this so probably this might also go into the ‘hold’ category for now

In a nutshell, I couldn't achieve all my targets but then it wasn't a miserable show as well. And but for the relocation bit I would have rather fared much better on most of the unsuccessful ones as well. Naturally, the show last year does inspires me to do better this year round and be upbeat for the new resolutions. So after a lot of contemplation, the list for this year is as stated below –
·         2015 Resolution 1: To write at least 2 blogs every month- This one remains as is and I hope to achieve this in totality this year, probably a bare minimum expectation for the my love of writing
·         2015 Resolution 2: To read at least 6 good books in the yearI wish I could have resolved for a bigger number, but given the work and parenting schedule I will have for this year, I would rather aim low and try to achieve higher
·         2015 Resolution 3: To gift lot of goodies to my near and dear onesThe happiness and joy this brings in is certainly unparalleled. I did quite a bit of it last year as well but I have that greed of greater joy and hence putting this as well in the resolution bucket. However, more than anything else my wifey is already curios to know who all fall or will fall under this ‘near and dear ones’ category J
·         2015 Resolution 4: To work out for at least 150 days in the yearThe least I could do to satiate my fitness pallets and since this in a way translates into thrice a week workout, it shouldn't be an arduous task. And I would really love to be disciplined on this one to the extent possible
·         2015 Resolution 5: Commit myself to do at least one instance of charity -  This resolution is to not only do some good to those in need but also experience that sense of satisfaction by indulging in a good social cause

There could be a few more things that I would like to certainly do in 2015 like being a movie buff, watch a lot of good movies, which I couldn't do a lot last year. As always, to commit myself for at least two good holidays in the year, though I am sure I might exceed this one for sure in 2015 J. Spend some more time with my close friends, as any time spent with them is unarguably just not enough. Be a little more kind and polite in the way I conduct myself and to an extent do away with my carefree and blunt self. If not anyone else, the success of this last bit would certainly keep my wife in high spirits J.

So the clock for the year has started ticking and the pressure to accomplish these rather big mouthed but achievable goals will only increase with every passing day. I hope I accomplish each of these by the end of this year, if not better all of them. As the gratification after achieving anything that you have aimed for is much more than making fun of those who make such resolutions J.

Happy New Year 2015!
Be Resolute J



  1. Congratulations! You are one of those few who successfully accomplished the New Year resolutions! I don't belong to this category (so dont take any resolutions only :P)

    All the best for these new resolutions! Will wait for all the blogs :D

    1. As always, thanks for ready Pragyan! Be resolute, I am sure you will achieve urs...n i ll try my best to clock the blog one atleast:)
